Defending Matchup
x1 | x1 | x1 | x1 | x1 | x1 | x2 | x1 | x1 | x1 | x1 | x1 |
Attacking Matchup
x1 | x1 | x1 | x1 | x1 | x1 | x0.5 | x1 | x1 | x1 | x1 | x1 |
Awful Song
Ninety-nine Temesseeeence viaaaals! This horrible Tucmani drinking song does considerable damage... especially to reputations, inflicting isolation for 3 turns.Used in combination with a Neutral ally, the Awful Song inflicts damage on the whole team.
- targeting: Other Team or Ally
This Tem's bark is much worse than its bite - it gives the enemy DEF and SPDEF .
Base Jump
It's not the jump that hurts, it's the landing - and it hurts the target A LOT.
Bestial Charge
A primal charge, like the stampede on the Kisiwa plains! It inflicts damage on the whole team.
Survival is often the greatest of victories. Only effective if the Temtem is already alerted; removes it, gives evading for 2 turns and heals 10%.
In you go, Nick! Everyone on the battlefield gets Trapped for 2 turns.
Chain Heal
Healing is a collective process - in clockwise order, 3 Temtem recover 20% health.
There's a time for cunning strategy, and there's a time for charging head-on. This one is for the latter case.
Cheer Up
Lifts the spirits of the target and gives -1 Hold.
Give me a hug, bro! Ouch... but... not... like... thaaat...
Gimme all your stuff! The target is Seized for 3 turns.
Team equality! This equalizes all team members' STA with the team average and the whole team recovers 7% HP.
Cozy Net
Arachnyte are adept weavers, and their webs look so temptingly soft... This technique traps a target and makes it fall asleep for 3 turns.Used in combination with a Nature ally, Cozy net also regenerates the user for 3 turns.
- condition: 3 Turns Regenerated to User
Where is everybody!? All Temtem in the battlefield are Isolated for 2 turns, negating any synergies.
Double Edge
Cuts both ways, in true Neutral fashion - inflicts moderate damage to the target, but also gives it DEF and SPDEF .
- damage: +1 Damage
Double Kick
An effective and cool-looking double kick inspired by Cipanki action movies.
Drill Impact
Nothing does armor piercing damage like a drill to the head.
"Omnes vulnerant, postuma necat". Slowly the hour creeps onwards... it does only slight damage, but if that leaves the Temtem under 35% of their total HP... it's over for them.
Extra Energy Slam
A simple truth about Temtem fighting - the stronger you are, the harder you hit. This Neutral technique inflicts variable damage depending on the launcher's STA.
Fierce Claw
Raw as untamed Temtem and unstoppable as a Kisiwan stampede.
Also known as "siren slap". Hurts your pride more than anything else.
You mess with the horns, you get the... No, wait! This fast, Neutral technique does serious damage.
Harmful Lick
Some Temtem lick you to signify affection... and some use it as a powerful attack! Eww!
Head Ram
Use your head, non-metaphorically.
Heavy Blow
Effective and unsubtle, like a Tucmani mine drill.
Held Anger
All that suppressed rage keeps building up... until it bursts in a nova of wrath.
Humiliating Slap
A bruised ego hurts more than a wounded body. This is just the thing! DEF .
Jaw Strike
Temtem with powerful jaws always know how to use them...
Jinxed Whisper
Shh! Shut up, you're jinxing your chances! The target falls asleep for 2 turns, but the user gets overextended on the next turn.
Primal and instinctive, sometimes a good kick is all you need.
King's Roar
When the king roars, the rest run away. Decreases SPD , ATK and SPATK of the other team.
What goes around comes around! This mighty attack inflicts massive damage, but the user gets 30% knockback damage.
Late Torment
The first cut is the deepest, but the last one hurts like Downbelow. This Neutral Technique only works on trapped enemies and inflicts 180 damage.
Look out
This Temtem has (metaphorical) eyes on the back of its head. This hyperalert state makes it alerted for 5 turns and removes the Asleep status condition.
Major Slash
This blow targets the enemy's weak spot for massive damage.
Multiple Pecks
A rapid-fire flurry of furious beaks.
Neutral Stream
Cute but still fight-savvy, Koish know how to inflict moderate Neutral damage.
Neutral Torrent
"Chromeon, shower them with torrential power!" This technique inflicts moderate damage.
Many Temtem have this habit of gently chewing plants and furniture. This is a little less gentle.
Ninja Jutsu
The secret arts of the Cipanku shinobi! This technique lets you backstab enemies in the blink of an eye.
Novice Punch
Just one step above a slap, but everybody's got to start somewhere.Used in combination with a Melee ally, it changes the technique type to Melee and becomes a more powerful punch.
- unknown: Becomes Melee
- damage: +51 Damage
All beaked Temtems like to playfully peck their tamers. This is the less friendly version.
A dirty trick from the seedier alleys of Lochburg, uses nimble fingers (or claws) to Seize the target for 2 turns.
Rainbow Guard
En garde! This technique makes you immune for 2 turns and makes you evade attacks for 1 turn.
Temtem might be cute... but when they go on a Rampage, they inflict damage on the whole team.
- damage: +85 Damage
- buff: 28 STA Cost
About time you took a little breather! This technique increases SPATK and heals 6% Health.
Time for a little siesta! Everyone on the battlefield gets Asleep for 2 turns.
While this technique does only moderate damage, it nullifies the target for 4 turns, buying you some precious time...
A mighty roar at a crucial moment, to intimidate rivals for ATK and SPATK .
Hard or weak, what really matters is striking first. This superfast technique does exactly 40 damage but overextends the user for the next turn.
A Temtem may pay the ultimate price to heal the target of all Status conditions and give them DEF and SPDEF .
Savage Suplex
In classic Temtem wresting showbiz style, this Neutral technique damages and exhausts the target for 2 turns.
Almost any claw or nail can scratch the surface. Sometimes that's enough.
Take cover! This slow technique gives DEF and SPDEF at the expense of leaving you Overexerted on the next turn.
Shrill Voice
Widely used by Accademia teachers, this Neutral attack deafens the whole class... eh, team.
Shy Shield
Some Temtem are naturally introverted and keep to themselves, obtaining DEF .
Nothing slows you down like being swamped in sticky goo... Traps for 2 turns and gives SPD .
A stampede worth of the Kisiwan savanna. Damages the whole team.Used in combination with an Earth ally, inflicts extra damage and seizes for 3 turns.
- condition: 3 Turns Seized
- damage: +125 Damage
Strangler and strangled, united in a deadly embrace. Both attacker and target get overextended next turn.
Tail Strike
Sweep the board at one fell swoop.
Really? Are you going to attack something *this* cute? Inflicts ATK .
Tentacle Whip
Tentacles. Why did it have to be tentacles?
Leave your opponent heavily damaged and treading on very thin ice, giving it SPATK .
Unseen Blow
Nothing hurts like the blow you didn't see coming! This technique inflicts heavy damage.
With a few swift movement, this techniques Untraps the target from any tangle. If trapped is removed successfully, the target gets DEF and SPDEF .
Wake Up
Wake up and smell the coffee! Inflicts minimal damage but wakes up the target instantly.
Willpower Drain
Sapping the very will to fight from an enemy's mind, this quick Neutral technique steals 23 Stamina points.
Winter Call
A wintry sonata that leaves all Temtem in the battlefield as Cold as the Kilima snows.
Synergizing Techniques
Awful Song
Ninety-nine Temesseeeence viaaaals! This horrible Tucmani drinking song does considerable damage... especially to reputations, inflicting isolation for 3 turns.Used in combination with a Neutral ally, the Awful Song inflicts damage on the whole team.
- Other Team or Ally
Double Edge
Cuts both ways, in true Neutral fashion - inflicts moderate damage to the target, but also gives it DEF and SPDEF .
- +1 Damage
Anything is better than generic. This technique nullifies you for 2 turns.Even more generic? Used in combination with a Neutral ally, Generify nullifies and lets you evade for 2 turns.
- 2 Turns Evading
A party trick someone showed you once, involving a Fire Temtem, a log, and a bottle of Quetzaleño Reposado...
- +115 Damage
Sparkling Bullet
All flash and no bang - this sparkly Electric technique does little damage.
- +105 Damage